Academics Competitions

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Syllabus AILET B.A.LLBdownload

Candidates have to attempt 35 questions in each of the first four sections and 10 questions in the last section.

AILET Syllabus for English

English section tests a candidate aptitude in English language in terms of Grammar, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. The four major groups under this section are as follows:

  1. 1. Reading Comprehension: Passages focused on topics like Introduction to Law, International Law, Social Issues, Administrative Law, Criminal Law etc.
  2. 2. Grammar: Fill in the Blanks, Identification of Part of Speech, Sentence Correction etc.
  3. 3. Vocabulary: Error Spotting, Cloze Test, Synonyms etc.
  4. 4. Verbal Ability: Para Jumbles, Critical Reasoning, Summary Writing etc.
Chapters Topics
English Vocabulary Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms, Word definitions, Analogies
English Proficiency Idioms and Phrases, One-word substitution, Sentence improvement & rearrangement, Fill in the blanks with suitable words, Subject-Verb Agreement, Conditionals, Noun, Pronoun, Articles & Conjunction, Adjective and Determinants
English Usage Errors Grammatical errors- tense, voice, preposition usage, speech errors, Correct Spelling, Spotting errors, Inappropriate usage of words
English Comprehension On the basis of the passage provided, various questions will be asked. It is advisable to first go through the questions first and then read the passage. Doing this will help them to point out the answers and gather information relating to the questions.

AILET Mathematics Syllabus

Chapters Topics
Mensuration Areas, Volumes
Commercial Mathematics Interest, Profit, loss and Discounts, Percentage, Partnership
Modern Mathematics Permutation & Combination Probability, Clocks & Calendars
Data Interpretation Graphs, Charts
Arithmetic Number system, H.C.F and L.C.M, Logarithms and, Functions, Fractions and decimals, Roots and Indices, Simplification, Ratio and proportions, Time and work, Average

AILET Syllabus for GK

  • Politics
  • Ancient, Medieval, Modern and World History
  • Geography
  • Economics (Outline of Indian Economy, Five Year Plans, National Income of India, Indian Tax Structure)
  • Science and technology
  • Environment & Ecology
  • General Science
  • National & International Burning topics
  • Books and Authors
  • Environment
  • Industries-Major Industries in India
  • Agriculture
  • Awards and Achievements

AILET Logical Reasoning Syllabus

  • Statement & Assumptions
  • Statement & Arguments
  • Assertion – Reason
  • Number test
  • Coding and Decoding
  • Ranking
  • Statement & Conclusions
  • Statement & actions
  • Syllogism
  • Direction and distance test
  • Blood Relationships
  • Analogy